newyorkers are VERY opinionated. So much that they will scrawl their thoughts on any surface. Although tags and graffiti are often frowned upon, much humor, wit and words to live by can…
Sometimes I jump on a train to Grand Central and just take in the beauty of this architectural gem. And to think if it weren’t for newyorker, Jackie O, this beauty may…
When this video was brought to my attention by fellow mynewyork reader, Jamie G. up in the Bronx I was FLOORED…newyorkers do come in all shades of crazy but that’s what makes…
If ever there was an image of the quintessential newyorker, Fran Lebowitz would definitely fit the bill. Like many newyorkers, Ms. Lebowitz is very opinionated but unlike most, she is one of…
One New York’s most recognizable exports.
… but I didn’t. I love New York and it’s awesome creative newyorkers.
All newyorkers are familiar with the MTA’s anti-terrorism slogan, “If you see something, say something“. Well, mynewyork reader, Remy B. from the Bronx recently asked this question on our Facebook page: “I…
Perfectly situated next to Google’s New York Headquarters (76 9th Avenue, the former Port Authority building and one of the largest buildings in New York City which Google is rumored to be…
Fans of street art should check out this white space EXHIBIT in Chelsea on 8th and 22nd. This emaciated woman wearing a Campbell Soup dress was the one that caught my eye.
On Thanksgiving Eve, I was walking the streets of Soho heading to the club (isn’t that what normal newyorkers do?) I came across a Haculla piece… Coco Chanel Vs Haculla. Apparently Haculla…